Caesar Cipher

Write a function that takes a string to be encoded and a shift factor and then returns the encoded string

Bonus: it should retain capitalization, not shift punctuation, wrap around the alphabet, work with negative numbers and with large shift factors.


Write a function that determines whether or not a given string is a palindrome, without considering punctuation or word breaks 'A car, a man, a maraca.' or 'RaceCar!!'

Temperature conversion

Write two functions that convert temperatures from Fahrenheit to Celsius, and vice versa

Bonus: works with negatives + rounds to 1 decimal

Leap years

Create a function that determines whether or not a given year is a leap year

Sum all

Implement a function that takes 2 integers and returns the sum of every number between(and including) them


Bonus: works with larger number first + returns ERROR with negative numbers or non-number parameters

Remove from array

Implement a function that takes an array and removes some arguments from it

Bonus: works with strings, can remove all values, ignores non present values

Reverse string

Write a function that returns its input, reversed

Bonus: reverses multiple words, works with numbers and punctuation, works with blank strings

Repeat string

Write a function that repeats the string a given number of times

Bonus: returns ERROR with 0 and negative numbers